Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Green Product: Fail

If you haven't heard by now, phosphates are bad for the environment, specifically aquatic habitats (cheap and easy education found here). So bad, in fact, certain states have banned their use in dish washing products where they are most commonly found. So, wanting to help save the ol' gal Mama Earth, Brian and I decided to give the Seventh Gen powder a shot.

Fail. Epic fail. I suppose if I had read the reviews on their website,  I would have known better. Our dishes are clean of food scraps, but they are very filmy, especially with our hard water.So filmy you can rub lines in it with your fingers. Seventh Gen said they are reworking the formula to perform better. Until then, they recommend soaking dishes in a sink of vinegar water before you put them away.


To get any dishes that have filming on them back to normal, you can soak them in a sink of water with a cup of vinegar. A quick rinsing afterward should have them back to normal. For any dishwashers that are getting film on the inside you can again use vinegar. Add about 1/2 cup to the bottom of the machine and run a rinse cycle, this should restore in the interior of your machine.

We'll finish this box, and we'll be testing their capsules next. Anyone use their liquid for automatic washers?

1 comment:

  1. It also leaves a film, and does not do well removing creamy substances.
